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The Municipality of West Bolton has adopted its first family and seniors policy on March 14th 2022. This policy is paired with a five-year action plan.

Read the policy and action plan

*** New: Directory of Resources and Services ***

The directory of resources and services available to the citizens of West Bolton is now available for your consultation. Find out where to turn for help in various situations.

Directory of resources and services


In June 2021, citizens were invited to complete a survey in order to analyze the needs of the population. The Committee for Families and Seniors Policy would like to thank all those who took the time to respond. It allowed us to reach a total of 264 responses.

Read the survey report

Citizen consultation

Subsequently, citizens were invited to participate in a consultation meeting in order to explore certain needs and potential solutions. Twenty-nine (29) people, including three (3) elected officials, participated on November 20, 2021. Thank you to all those who came and participated actively in the discussions.

Read the consultation report (French only)

Statistical Overview

The committee has also drawn up a statistical overview of the population of West Bolton. This document is available in French only at this time.

Read the statistical overview

Annual report

A monitoring committee for the family and seniors policy and its action plan has been appointed. The committee evaluates the implementation of the action plan and draws up an annual report. This document is currently only available in French.

2022 Report

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